Slow Learners and Advanced Learners | Public Health Dentistry

(Process and Outcome)

Scope of this document: This SOP is to identify the slow learners and advanced learners to help them out for improvement in the academics.

Definitions and Procedures to be followed for implementation of SOP:

Within the classrooms faculty have to deal with different types of students; some are very intelligent who learn very fast and some are quite weak who learn very slowly. Therefore it is required to determine the abilities of the students in the class. Based on the ability determined, some students need only guidance and some students need a hard work and regular attention.

Generally on the basis of their learning speed students can be classified in two groups; advanced learners and slow learners. Each type of students has different learning attitudes and learning habits. A faculty has to adapt a teaching methodology such that he/she may not lose the attention of the slow learners and bore the advanced learners.

The advanced learners

The students who learn fast are called advanced learners. Obviously their learning speed is more than the peers.

The slow learners

Slow learners are the students who have slow speed then other students. They need patience and a regular monitoring.

Identification of ability of students to learn

It shall be done based on one or more of the following;

  1. Analysis of HSC score
  2. Communication and soft skills
  3. Their behavioral traits
  4. Theory and Practical attendance
  5. Performance in internal exams

Activities for slow learners

One or more of the following options shall be used;

  1. Be humble and patient with slow learners
  2. Encourage parent-teacher association of such students
  3. Motivate them with practical reasons to learn material
  4. Pair them with brighter students in group activities
  5. Create a healthy and conducive environment for slow learners to improve their pace
  6. Arrange extra Lecture of difficult chapters for students
  7. Mentoring Such students
  8. Counseling Sessions: Assist students in their weak areas of performance and suggest improvements
  9. Personal attention: Providing special attention on non-academic parameters such as Communication Skill, Public Speaking, decide on Carrier Goals, and Managing Academics & Personality

Activities for Advanced Learners

One or more of the following options shall be used;

  1. Encourage them to work with slow learners in practical hours
  2. Splitting of class for group activities
  3. Mapping of students for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities
  4. Think-Pair-Share
  5. Quiz competitions in classes
  6. Group activity leader for assignment/Project task

Outcome: Records based on student progress and observation.