About Executive President

Rahul Vishwanath Karad is an enterprising educationist at the forefront of the 72 institute, 55000 student strong MAEER’S MIT Group of Institutions, Pune. He is the Executive President of MIT-WPU.
A graduate in engineering, a post graduate in management from Cardiff U.K, and an alumnus of the Harvard Business School, USA, Rahul is committed to channelizing the power of youth to augment the country of India, by ensuring their true potential is realised by providing them with a holistic and value based education.
This commitment of his has resulted in the founding of the MIT School of Government, the first institute of its kind in Asia which is committed to strengthening the fabric of Indian Democratic Leadership. His underlying belief in the democratic process and his faith in the youth of the country has led him to found the leading Indian platform for students interested in politics and development of the country, the “INDIAN STUDENT PARLIAMENT” (BHARATIYA CHHATRA SANSAD). A roaring success, every year 10 to 12,000 politically and socially active students from about 450 universities across 29 states of India, participate in the annual conclave.
Understanding that no culture or civilization can prosper without the active participation of women as equals in the legislative and corporate spheres, Rahul is the Founder & Convener of National Women’s Parliament (NWP), a common platform for women from diverse background like politics, industry, the arts and judiciary. Over 18,000 women from colleges of Higher Education were connected to women legislatures, parliamentarians, corporate leaders, and representatives from social sector.
To further this cause of nation building he has created the National Teachers’ Congress (NTC), a platform for teachers of Higher Education (undergraduate and post-graduate colleges) from across the nation.
He is also the Founder of Rashtriya Sarpanch Sansad, a unique initiative to bring together Sarpanchs from different villages, Government, Media and Experts with a long-term Vision of Rural Development.
Executive President’s Message
I am delighted to welcome the aspiring students of Higher Education on a vibrant journey of learning at MIT-World Peace University (MIT-WPU), which is the Flagship University of MIT Group of Institutions. You will surely attach a sense of pride with this very precincts that boasts of its legacy of four decades which has produced many brilliant and gifted minds over the years. We have always been uniquely committed to providing the young minds not just the necessary means and knowledge to excel in their professional lives, but also teaching the values that are vital to mould them as complete human beings. Over 1, 00, 000 proud Alumni, doing extraordinary assignments around India and the globe, are testimony to our commitment and high standard of teachings.
Today the world has been shaped by advances in Science & Technology. The knowledge and information is available at an unthinkable pace and students of today may be engaged in future, in kinds of jobs that perhaps are not even thinkable today. They need to learn critical skills and transferable competencies in order to face the unforeseen challenges of professional life. They have to be trained to possess a universal mindset to enable them to interact in the melting pot of the globalized world. It will require plenty of creative and innovative teaching for building such strong contents in their character. Being one of the top colleges in the fields of Engineering, Management, Arts, Science & Commerce over the years we have always thought ahead of time and hence, have risen to meet such challenges by adopting transformational changes in the way we impart education to you at MIT-WPU.
Having the status of a ‘State University’ now, we have the freedom and autonomy available to us to incorporate the very best for imparting world class education for our students. While we will be following UGC guidelines, but have set ‘Technology, Research, Social Innovation and Partnerships’ as university’s’ core approach. With the synergy of academia with technology, technology with research, research with industry, industry with economy, economy with social innovation and social innovation with peace, we are committed to make MIT-WPU a world class space of intellectual excellence, where reason and rationality reigns, humanism rules, and learning becomes a great adventure.
With this vision, the peace component in the curriculum and yoga practices have been quite thoughtfully added to the credit system. Our prominent National Initiatives- Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad, National Teachers Congress, Rashtriya Sarpanch Sansad, and National Women’s Parliament involving active student participation aids in sensitising them towards their role in nation building efforts.
We value the faith bestowed in us by students and parents over the years, which empowers us to deliver on Continuously Updated Education across disciplines. I invite you to join hands with us to synergize our efforts for developing the young minds as global citizens by keeping the development of our society and nation at the core of their hearts.
With Best Wishes,
Mr. Rahul V. Karad
Executive President
MIT-World Peace University, Pune-India
Website: http://rahulkarad.com/